* SHARE THE LAKE AND HELP OTHERS If you ever see a boater or swimmer in need of aid, stop whatever you are doing and at least offer to help. You yourself would hope for assistance from someone, so help your fellow boater.
* Vessel operators are responsible for damage to any other vessel, dock, property, or injury caused by their vessel's wake.
* If it says NO WAKE: it means no wake, look behind you and make sure you are not throwing a wake. So, if you can see white water behind your boat while you are driving, you are causing a wake, and need to slow down.
* Safety first and keep to the right when approaching another boat.
* When overtaking another boat, the boat being overtaken has the right-of-way. Stay clear and mind your wake.
* When driving into a cove that is or could be occupied by other boaters, please be courteous and don't rock the whole cove, again we can’t stress enough. If you can see white water behind your boat while you are driving, you are causing a wake, and need to slow down.
* Do not assume that everyone has the same common sense that you do. Be courteous.
* Use caution in NO WAKE zones. Just because you are, moving slowly does not mean you can forget the rules of the road.
* Do not cut blind corners short. Stay wide so that you can see oncoming traffic.